Chapter 8 : The non-Date

Sylvia is settling into her life in Manhattan: she has a job, a flat and is almost feeling like she belongs there. She is determined to make the best out of what seems like an extended holiday from her worries back home. In this chapter, she is meeting her new friend Patrick for a show. But their friendship is going to start taking an expected turn.

After a quick shower, Sylvia put on a jeans and a plane T-shirt and jumper. Although it was still hot during the day, the summer would still come to an end and the evenings were usually a little bit chilly.

That was one of the big advantages of not dating : she didn’t have to care so much about her clothes appearance. She decided to not even put any make up on. She had never been very fond of spending too much time in the bathroom and in front of a mirror and it truly was liberating for her to be going out with a man who was merely a friend. All her boyfriends had always liked her to wear sexy clothes on when they were going out and, even if she liked being desired by them, feeling like an object was not really her thing.

As she walked briskly down the streets of the Village, she savoured the liveliness of the neighbourhood : Greenwich Village was so full of trendy cafes, bars and small independent theatres! looking at all the cultural activity surrounding her flat, she felt a bit guilty that she was about to see a big production on Broadway. Never mind; next time she will try a smaller and more independent place. For now, she would just give in to her tacky tastes and enjoy Mamamia with her new friend.

The air was warm and full of promises and part of here wanted to walk all the way to Broadway…But she had promised Patrick she would arrive early so that they could have that ice cream. Sighing, she walked towards Union Square subway station via Washington Square Park.

When she arrived in the park named after George Washington, she stopped a few minutes to admire the impressive Arch. Children were still running around and people scattered on the grass chatting happily. New York University was not far and she could guess that a lot of the young people enjoying a sandwich or a drink on the lawn were students. She hadn’t ventured to any of the universities yet. Those studying in such an amazing city were definitely lucky.

Envy was not one of her common traits but she did feel it here. The Sorbonne University where she had got her literature degree was not bad. Yet, she would have loved to go back i time and study at NYU or Columbia. Then she remembered she or her family could never have paid for it and sighed. And what was the justification of paying tens of thousands of dollars just to get a degree?

Soon she was at the busy Union Square station where she jumped on the subway. Because they were so old, the subways in New York had a lot of charm. But why on earth did they have to build such low ceilings? Twenty minutes later she was out in the air again, facing the Time Square lights on 42nd street. She looked at her phone to double check where she had to go and fastened her pace to reach the ice cream place.

Patrick was already sat inside the cosy place. As soon as Sylvia came in, he stood up and wrapped her in a big warm hug.

« There you are ! I’ve been waiting for ages ! »

His curly hair was freshly washed and his grin was broad.

Sylvia was always so happy to see him. He made her feel less alone.

« How come ? I am only two minutes late ».

Patrick fainted surprise, then looked at his watch and winked at her.

« Yes, you are but you should know that I am always at least ten minutes early… »

« Ah, but then that’s your problem… »

She shrugged while smiling at him and took a seat in front of his.

« So, what are we having ? And why did you want to meet before the show ? We could have done that afterwards ! »

Sylvia looked around the place : Pinkberry was a simple ice-cream place with colourful chairs and tables ; it reminded her of a kids place.

Patrick’s face turned serious :

« Don’t be fooled by the simple décor ; this place does one of the best frozen yoghurts in the city ; Ok, now, I have an announcement to make ».

Sylvia shifted in her seat. What could that announcement be ? She knew more or less everything about Patrick by now. Maybe a promotion or a move of flats ?

With an open face, she asked :

« Are you being promoted to that role of manager you have been dreaming of ? »

Patrick gave her a sad face just for two seconds before smiling again.

« Not yet but that will come, I’m sure . No, this is more a sort of personal announcement and I wanted you to be the first one to hear it ».

Sylvia frowned.

« Ok. I’m all ears »

Patrick stared at Sylvia with his intense blue eyes before saying :

« Ok so here it is : I am engaged Sylvia, engaged ! Me, can you imaging that ? »

Sylvia’s mouth opened but no sound came out of it ; she stayed with her mouth hanging several seconds before pulling herself together. With an unsure voice she managed to respond :

« wow, that’s a surprise ; but you’ve only be seeing that girl for a few weeks…how is that even possible ? »

Patrick couldn’t hide his disappointment.

“Come on, Sylvia, you’re supposed to be happy for me. That’s the moment where you have to jump and hug me !”

Sylvia shook her head vigorously, stood up and gave Patrick a stiff hug.

« You’re right, of course; I am happy for you, Pat ».

Then she looked at him with serious eyes.

« It is just that this is so…sudden…I hope that you really know that girl and that you are not making any mistake. »

And if she was to be honest with herself she was also feeling other things that she could not even admit to herself : a mixture of anger, disappointment and jealousy.

Patrick grabbed her wrist and looked at her with his beautiful eyes.

« I am the happiest I’ve ever been, Sylvia. Julie is perfect for me. She is pretty, kind, has a good job, eager to marry and have babies…Exactly what I want ! »

Sylvia scratched her nose in puzzlement.

« What you want ? But you have never even mentioned any of this before ».

the « pretty » also stuck in her head., She had seen Julie only once, on a WhatsApp call. And yes she wasn’t ugly but « pretty » ? Maybe…If he liked that sort of blond round face.

« Sylvia, what are you thinking about? you seem miles away ».

“Nothing. Listen, you can tell me all about it but let’s order first. The waiter is lingering not far, probably wondering why we’ve been sitting her for a while without buying anything.”

They both ordered frozen yoghurt with amazing toppings and remained silent while eating. They then avoided the subject of the engagement and walked towards the theatre. The show was, as expected, breath-taking.

Sylvia’s mind was still full of the amazing music she had just heard.

“Thanks again for offering to see Mamamia Pat, it was in-cre-di-ble!”

“Yes, I loved it too. I’ve wanted to see it for a while but Julie is not really into that sort of things.”

“She isn’t ?”


Patrick’s face was a little gloomy.

“She prefers the opera”

Sylvia nodded in silence.

“Well, the opera is powerful.”

No-one could deny that opera was powerful. and sometimes beautiful. But it was also very very long and boring and could never compare to a Broadway show.


Eager to end this awkward exchange, Sylvia gave a little yawn.

:I have an early shift tomorrow so I’d better get back. I think I’ll just grab a cab”.

“Yes yes”.

Patrick’s expression was unreadable.

“You know what you said earlier about whether Julie is the right girl for me. I have been asking myself that sort of questions too…”

Although Sylvia was sure she wasn’t the right girl for him she really didn’t want to make him sad so she just listened calmly.

“She is a bit boring to be honest. We never laugh together; she is very much into schedules and doing everything by the book, never anything spontaneous…and we absolutely don’t have the same tastes…But the problem is when I find a girl who is not like that, who is more like me…then it usually becomes a friend. like you”.

Wow. What could she respond to that?

“Pat, I have exactly the same problem. The men I’m attracted to are nothing like friends and not only are they often too serious and boring but sometimes they are even mean and cruel”

“Yes you told me about that bastard. Make sure you tell me if he ever tries anything again with you because I’ll be there ton defend you”

Sylvia smiled at her friend.

“My knight in shining armour”

“yes I am. and will always be”

Patrick looked at her a second too long. He gets closer to her and leans forward gently. Startled, Sylvia steps back. What was he thinking? Was he going to kiss her? To break the spell, Sylvia coughed.

“Ok let’s get going now; otherwise there wont be any taxi left”.

That night she felt very unsettled. Patrick’s behaviour after the show was anything but merely friendly. He even tried to kiss her. What was that all about? On the other hand, knowing he was engaged made her feel sad. If Patrick got married to that girl, how could they keep what they have? Girls like that usually wanted the man to themselves. She might get jealous and prevent him from meeting her. And the way he had looked at her before she had got on the taxi: that look was different from the others he had given her. More intense. Not just friendly. Could Patrick be something more than a friend? Only time would tell. But the sense of safety she used to feel with him was starting to evaporate and she did not like it.

Published by sophieheineauthor

As a critical and creative thinker, I have built that blog in order to share my stories and ideas faster and more efficiently but my ideas are more thoroughly developed in my books.

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